If you’re reading this in January, Happy New Year! I’m sure it’ll be a great [insert current year] for you!
I get similar tingles each new year where I have the desire to do something different with the 12 month runway ahead of me. Rarely though do I actually, really, physically do a new thing. I’m sure there’s a phrase describing the feeling of setting new year resolutions and then doing nothing with them. Sound familiar, too?
Well, I’m putting into writing that this year will be different. I’ve decided to do what I’ve wanted to do for a long, long time. But first- I’ll talk about what the more everyday things will look like for me.
I just got back from a lovely 2 week break in Taiwan with my family. I say “break” with air quotes in conversations. As any parent of young children probably knows, holidays are very different pre-parenthood. The trip this time was simultaneously the most enjoyable (seeing the kids a year older, playing together, visibly enjoying things a lot more), and the most stressful (kids running away on busy streets, giving our hotel neighbours something loud to listen to).
I’m not going to remember too much of the hard parts I hope, and the fun parts far outweighed them, but it still gave me pause for thought.
I say all this because in 2025, I want to simply be more OK with the times I’m stressed or do the wrong thing. I’m still going to put my foot down when it makes sense to and apologise to whoever I might run the wrong way. The difference is simply being easier on myself. I’m absolutely my own biggest critic. Time to chill a little, mate!
Other than this, family still remains #1 regardless of what I do. That extends to daily decisions as well. Do you legitimately need that new component/gadget/man toy? Do you really need that upsized meal or the one with the fancier meat? Do you need to play one more round of Belatro? (The latter is of course YES I MUST but… no, you mustn’t, your cards will be there tomorrow man)
Finally, fitness. I still love running, even though it was a very sporadic endeavour last year. I’ve got my next 5.6km lined up on April as a target, and I’ll be looking for more afterwards. These are huge motivators for me to train now. I’m also not going to kill myself, I know I’m mortal. Another year means another potential ache somewhere I should be mindful not to exacerbate. I’ve realised though that running can *help* with those aches, too. It’s about dialling back the intensity, not the frequency.
Career-wise, I’m content with where I’ve come to where I am now. There used to be a time when I’d lament not swapping roles or employers enough to jump ranks/salaries as quickly as possible. Being the main breadwinner doesn’t help this, but I’m actually OK with where I’m at. I’ve felt this for the past year really. Above all, I’m simply thankful I’ve got a job in a tough environment that pays enough to help my family happy and healthy. Too many devs struggle getting re-employed after lots of redundancies.
A year on now in my current employer, I’m genuinely delighted with the team we’ve grown and what we’ve achieved together. Being comfortable in the current job market, I absolutely can’t complain. It’s a good year to now see how much more I can achieve and how far I can push myself in my role.
One more thing…
With all the more bland stuff out of the way now, the final thing I’m committing to in 2025 is starting in earnest on a side hustle in game development!
Those that know me know I’ve explored game dev before. I didn’t get that far last year as I focused mainly on my new job, but 2025 is that year I’m going to give it a proper go. I turn 36 this year, I’ve had this desire since young, and there’s no good reason to stop me from starting.
It’s time to just do it!
I’ve already accepted it’s not going to be easy, which is why I’ve not committed to completing a game before end of the year. Building a game isn’t something I can sink huge hours into and still be healthy/happy in family life. My goal is by the end of the year to have a good chunk of a game in place, and for it to be a game I’m really invested in completing and releasing. I want to get something done and enjoy the process as much as possible. The first step will be of course to come up with what I’m going to build
I’ll share more details soon as I work things out, but I’m determined to make it work.